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Dripping Oil

What's In It?

Where it's found, why it's included, and all the benefits your skin can enjoy from head to toe (and all the bits in between). Our completely concentrated, clean, organic oil blend is included in our body oil, body polish, and lip scrub. Here's what's in it:

Safflower Oil (Olio di Cartamo), found in Genoa: This highly anti-inflammatory oil combats hyperpigmentation, repairs skin barrier damage, and provides essential protection against damaging UVA rays. Safflower oil lessens irritation from eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, and helps repair acne scars, and is chock-full of Vitamin K (which is of benefit for mature, sensitive, or irritated skin since it strengthens blood vessels). 


Apricot Kernel Oil (Olio di Nocciolo di Albicocca), found in Naples and Sicily: This oil is known as “skin insurance” as it protects against razor burn and sun damage by restoring the elasticity of the skin barrier. Apricot kernel oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and loaded with Vitamin A. Its anti-bacterial properties can help reduce breakouts and blackheads by preventing harmful bacteria from infecting clogged pores.


Sweet Almond Oil (Olio di Mandorle Dolci), found in Apulia and Sicily: This super-light and fragrant oil contains biotin to help regenerate skin cells that have been ravaged by the hormonal changes of perimenopause and menopause. Sweet almond oil tightens skin by boosting collagen production, and has a natural sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 5 (although it is not to be used in place of sunscreen). 


Jojoba Oil (Olio di Jojoba), found in California’s Sonoran Desert: This desert staple is rich in squalene, a powerful antioxidant that improves the appearance of dark spots. Jojoba oil improves elasticity and is a source of a highly absorbable forms of Vitamin B, D, and E in addition to having a natural sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 5 (although it is not to be used in place of sunscreen). 


Avocado Oil (Olio di Avocado), found in Calabria and Puglia: This powerhouse oil prevents damage to your skin’s collagen, and can diminish pore size by dissolving impurities. Avocado oil helps repair the skin barrier and helps treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and has a natural sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 10-15 (although it is not to be used in place of sunscreen). 


Sunflower Oil (Olio di Girasole), found in Tuscany: This linoleic-acid packed oil strengthens your skin against infection, makes wounds heal faster, combats wrinkles, and contains vitamins C, D, and K. Sunflower oil temporarily alleviates redness in sensitive skin, and since it contains around 70% linoleic acid (Omega-6), it seals in moisture and seals out environmental pollutants (a major plus for city dwellers and travelers).


Aloe Oil (Olio di Aloe), found in Fermo and Sicily: This oil is called liquid gold in the tropics with good reason: it repairs damaged skin cells from too much UV exposure, and accelerates the healing of acne, cuts, scrapes, and abrasions. Aloe oil also reduces redness and inflammation, stimulates the skin cells to produce collagen and elastin (arrivederci, wrinkles!), and has slightly astringent properties to keep sebum in check. 


Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olio Extravergine d'Oliva), found in Puglia and Calabria: This oil is a natural antibacterial that supports regeneration of your skin by reconstructing cell membranes and protecting against oxidation damage. Olive oil is also a natural source of vitamin K, and has a natural sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 8 (although it is not to be used in place of sunscreen). 


Squalane (Squalano), sourced from the USA: Squalane (a stable and saturated form of squalene) makes up about 13 percent of human sebum. As we age, our squalane content in our skin diminishes, making skin more susceptible to oxidative damage from UV exposure. Always from vegetable sources, our squalane soaks into your skin almost instantly, without leaving your skin an oily nuisance to contend with in hot weather. 


Vitamin E Oil (Olio di Vitamina E), sourced from the USA: This oil is an effective solution to help prevent sunburn and damage from solar radiation, and to decrease the burning and itching of UVA- and UVB-induced skin swelling. Vitamin E oil can also help break down hyperpigmentation, and research is underway to determine whether it's able to diminish dark circles under our eyes. Fingers crossed...


Phthalate-Free Fragrance Oil (Olio Profumato Senza Ftalati), handcrafted in the USA: Phthalates are plasticizers & solvents commonly used in fragrances to extend aromatic strength. They bioaccumulate in fatty tissues and disrupt your endocrine system. ALL OUR FRAGRANCES ARE PHTHALATE-FREE AND ADHERE TO IFRA STANDARDS. We don't tap-dance around these chemicals; we simply ban them from our products.


Vitamin F Oil (Olio di Vitamina F), sourced from the USA: This vitamin is the combination of two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (Omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3), which plumps skin. Vitamin F helps prevent collagen degradation that occurs after menopause, and helps rebuild your skin's barrier to pathogens, bacteria, germs, and other nasties that need to be sent on permanent vacation. 


Vitamin A Oil (Olio di Vitamina A), sourced from the USA: A proven antioxidant that prevents collagen breakdown, protects your skin from damage caused by UVB rays, and promotes cell regeneration. Vitamin A helps your skin shed old, dead cells naturally and helps it to regenerate by increasing elastin and collagen production (a bonus for anyone wanting to send keratosis pilaris the way of the dinosaur).


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products do not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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