Verona Blackberry
Vanilla Musk
Peach Praline
Apple Blossoms
"I think scars are sexy because it means you
made a mistake that led to a mess.”
--Angelina Jolie
Verona Blackberry
& Vanilla Musk
(Mora di Verona e Muschio di Vaniglia)
The brisk Verona dawn will create second thoughts about dancing the night away until sunrise, but the discoteca is closing & it's almost 5 a.m.
You two ladies need to take the party elsewhere, pronto.
As you check your lipstick, the restroom attendant offers a tray of gorgeous perfumes. Your bestie grabs a sexy black bottle and spritzes you with her latest obsession before you can choose otherwise. Arm in arm, you float out the front door in a richly scented haze of blackberries and vanilla musk, ready to see what other kinds of fun you can discover as soon as you're outside.
She soon points to a nearby caffé just turning on its lights and says, “Come on! I know it’s only 4:52 but he opens at 5 a.m. and he’ll let us in!” and bolts down the street in her stilettos. By the time you catch up, she’s already bringing out espressos and peach praline tarts. You two sit huddled on the curb, snacking and laughing like naughty children.
The sun slowly rises. You inhale the smell of apple blossoms scenting the wind from the caffé terrace, wishing the night would never end and this kind of euphoria could last forever.
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